
Ground #

The Ground branch is conscerned with agents on earth and beyond. On earth, agents are simultainously constrained and enabled by movement. Movement not just in space and time but along any path of discernible continuity. Agents can learn to recognize landmarks that peg particular locations on a map. The continuation of a journey relies upon correlating variables with what remains invariant as well as coordinating paths derived from correlate deviations.

A journey on earth will encounter ground, sky, water, and fire. Generally, ground is solid, sky is gaseous, water is liquid, and fire is chemical reaction. This ancient model serves as a good rule of thumb when simulating agent paths.

ground sky water fire
ground sky water fire

Mixtures of the elemental mediums exist as life, lava, soil, weather, and more. A possible fifth medium is a vaccum, which may tie in the very small with the very large.