
Type #

Agent tiles may be categorized using a typing system built from punctures and mirrors. Punctures being the smallest possible changes in the attentive processing of an agent. Mirrors being punctuation pairs that converge or diverge to/from agent curves. Types can be constructed through the prioritization of punctures and mirrors producing what the neo-Jungian community call stacks.

Punctures #

Punctures are vanishingly small perturbations of consciousness directed in one of eight ways. The four ways to an agent combine with the four ways from an agent to produce eight punctures.

The puncture identity can be shortened to an acronym like.. externalize structure -> es. Then the eight punctures below may be represented as.. es, is, em, im, ef, if, ep, and ip.

puncture of externalize internalize
structure es is
map em im
frame ef if
point ep ip

Mirrors #

Convergence and divergence of attention occurs as punctures accumulate near or distant to an agent. Mirrors occur between frames and maps, as well as between points and structures. Map-frame and point-structure combos may be condensed into mf and sp. Adding c and d in front of each signifies convergence and divergence. After which, four mirrors are possible with the representations.. cmf, csp, dmf, and dsp.

convergence divergence
convergence divergence