
Cognition #

Cognition explores what makes an agent tick. Like analog clocks, agents can target paths that connect inner fits to outter fits through actuation. The pendulum of a clock swings at an internal frequency which can be compared to an external frequency like the revolution of the earth around the sun.

Both the spotlight and holographic models of consciousness appear to have partial truth. The spotlight being associated with focused attention and the hologram with diffuse attention across a field. Agents can both peer into the narrowest scope and meditate upon the vastest horizons.

Topology #

No cutting or gluing is allowed in topology without consequence. So topological distictions may be used to identify various tile states. Gluing together every layer of the record player produces a state called actuation. Fits glue maps to structures in the case of an external fit and frames to points in the case of internal fits.

actuator fits
actuator fit

Actuation glues external and internal fits to the agent. This aligns with a state of flow. In the mist of an activity that is engaging yet smooth for you, it may feel as if time is flowing quickly. In volution, actuation or flow is considered a state where everything is connected topologically indicating an alignment between what the agent considers out and in.

Fits come in two flavors: in and out. Internal fits, or point-frame combinations, signify intuition, feeling, eureka, inspiration, depression, and so forth. External fits, or structure-map combinations, signify sensation, thought, experience, reward, punishment, and so forth. Another way to cut the distinction is through the dichotomy between denotation and connotation. As the outside can be labelled through finger pointing, though the inside can only be referenced in light while shadows hide roots below the surface.

Geometry #

spotlight hologram
spotlight hologram